The activities of the Let’s Talk Prostate Cancer (LTPC) Expert Group are funded by Astellas Pharma Inc., Amgen Inc and Pfizer Inc, which collectively contribute to and support the objectives of the Expert group.
Astellas Pharma Inc. have full and exclusive editorial control over the LTPC Website


In the Netherlands, the estimated incidence rate for prostate cancer is 171.4 per 100,000 population.1 With the European average of estimated prostate cancer incidence of  153.9 per 100,000,1 the incidence rate in the Netherlands is higher than the EU average. For more country specific incidence data please see the IKNL registry data.2

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1 European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in 2020. Accessible at https://ecis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/explorer.php?$0-0$1-All$2-All$4-1$3-34$6-0,85$5-2008,2008$7-7$CEstByCountry$X0_8-3$X0_19-AE27$X0_20-No$CEstBySexByCountry$X1_8-3$X1_19-AE27$X1_-1-1$CEstByIndiByCountry$X2_8-3$X2_19-AE27$X2_20-No$CEstRelative$X3_8-3$X3_9-AE27$X3_19-AE27$CEstByCountryTable$X4_19-AE27 (last accessed March 2022)

2 IKNL. Incidentie prostaatkanker. Accessible at https://www.iknl.nl/kankersoorten/prostaatkanker/registratie/incidentie (last accessed March 2022)

Estimated prostate cancer incidence 2020
(crude rate per 100,000 population)

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European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in 2020. Accessible at https://ecis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/explorer.php?$0-0$1-All$2-All$4-1$3-34$6-0,85$5-2008,2008$7-8$CEstByCountry$X0_8-3$X0_19-AE27$X0_20-No$CEstBySexByCountry$X1_8-3$X1_19-AE27$X1_-1-1$CEstByIndiByCountry$X2_8-3$X2_19-AE27$X2_20-No$CEstRelative$X3_8-3$X3_9-AE27$X3_19-AE27$CEstByCountryTable$X4_19-AE27 (last accessed March 2022)


In the Netherlands, the estimated mortality for prostate cancer is 35 per 100,000, in line with the EU27 average of  32.1 per 100,000.1 The Netherlands’ prostate cancer mortality rates are higher than the other Benelux countries, Belgium and Luxembourg. For more country specific mortality data please see the IKNL registry data.2

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1 European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in 2020. Accessible at https://ecis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/explorer.php?$0-0$1-All$2-All$4-1$3-34$6-0,85$5-2008,2008$7-8$CEstByCountry$X0_8-3$X0_19-AE27$X0_20-No$CEstBySexByCountry$X1_8-3$X1_19-AE27$X1_-1-1$CEstByIndiByCountry$X2_8-3$X2_19-AE27$X2_20-No$CEstRelative$X3_8-3$X3_9-AE27$X3_19-AE27$CEstByCountryTable$X4_19-AE27 (last accessed  March 2022)

2 IKNL. Sterfte prostaatkanke. Accessible at https://www.iknl.nl/kankersoorten/prostaatkanker/registratie/sterfte (last accessed  March 2022)

Prostate cacner mortality 2020
(crude rate per 100,000 population)

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European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in 2020. Accessible at https://ecis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/explorer.php?$0-0$1-All$2-All$4-1$3-34$6-0,85$5-2008,2008$7-8$CEstByCountry$X0_8-3$X0_19-AE27$X0_20-No$CEstBySexByCountry$X1_8-3$X1_19-AE27$X1_-1-1$CEstByIndiByCountry$X2_8-3$X2_19-AE27$X2_20-No$CEstRelative$X3_8-3$X3_9-AE27$X3_19-AE27$CEstByCountryTable$X4_19-AE27 (last accessed March 2022)


In the Netherlands, the five-year survival rate for localised prostate cancer is 88.5%.1 However, its five-year survival rates lag significantly behind its neighbour, Belgium, where 93.8% of patients reach this target.1

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1 Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022)

Prostate cacner age-standardised 5-year net survival (%)

Links to external websites are provided as a resource to the viewer. We accept no responsibility for the content or services of the linked site other than the information or other materials provided or reviewed by the LTPC expert group members

Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022)


Netherlands’s National Cancer Control Programme 2005-2010 mentions prostate cancer as one of the most common cancers in men (10%). This program sets out all aspects of cancer control, from prevention to diagnosis to aftercare, as well as psychosocial care and professional education. Primary prevention and population screening play a big role in the Dutch strategy to fight against all cancers. Since 2012, the Oncology Foundation Cooperation (SONCOS) provides a yearly report supporting quality multidisciplinary oncology care for specific conditions such as prostate cancer, with the aim to improve oncological patient care in Dutch hospitals.


The national guidelines followed by clinicians in the Netherlands were updated in 2019. The recommended care pathway includes patient access to*:

Review by a multidisciplinary team
Support from a specialist nurse
Holistic needs assessment
A tailored treatment plan
Nutrition and exercise advice
Psychological support
Regular care reviews


Recommendation included

Recommendation not included

*For a detailed explanation of the different patient support categories included in this scorecard, please follow the link.


Access to Specialists

In the Netherlands, there is approximately one urologist to every 47,000 inhabitants,1 making it the EU country with the fifth highest number of inhabitants per urologist. Greece has the best ratio, with just 10,000 citizens to every urologist.2

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1 European Society of Residents in Urology (ESRU)., Netherlands.Countries, February March 2018, Accessible at https://esru.eu/?q=netherlands (last accessed March 2022)
2 European Society of Residents in Urology (ESRU)., CountriesGreece., March February 2018. Accessible at https://esru.eu/?q=greece (last accessed March 2022)

Cost of cancer

The direct cost of cancer care and treatment in the Netherlands per person is €308,1 which is significantly higher than the European average of €154 per person.2 However, such estimated costs are in line with neighbouring countries Germany (also €308) and Belgium (€284).1

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1 Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022)
2 Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022) – average calculated from data included for individual countries.

Cancer medicines spend

The Netherlands spends €62 on cancer medicines per capita,1 the eighth highest level of spend in the EU. Countries with similar levels of spend in the EU are Ireland (€64), Spain (€61) and Finland (€60).1

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1 Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022)

Approximate number of inhabitats per urologist - 2018*

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*Different data sources were used for Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Romania and the UK, which may use data from different years. See references below. No data was found for Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta and Slovakia.

European Society of Residents in Urology (ESRU). Countries. March 2018. Accessible at https://esru.eu/?q=countries (last accessed March 2022)
Federal Public Service of Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and the Environment. HWF STATAN 2019 (detailed statistics). 2019. Accessible at https://organesdeconcertation.sante.belgique.be/fr/documents/hwf-statan-2019-statistiques-detaillees (last accessed March 2022)
Boszormenyi-Nagy, G. Report on urological inpatient care based on 2018 data. Urologia Hungarica. Accessible at http://urologiahungarica.hu/index.php/2020/05/12/beszamolo-az-urologiai-fekvobeteg-ellatasrol-a-2018-as-adatok-alapjan/ (last accessed March 2022)
I.Stat. Personale sanitario. Accessible at http://dati.istat.it/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=DCIS_PERS_SANIT (last accessed March 2022)
Institutul National De Statistica. Activitatea Unitatilor Sanitare in Anul 2019. 2020. Accessible at https://insse.ro/cms/sites/default/files/field/publicatii/activitatea_unitatilor_sanitare_anul_2019.pdf (last accessed March 2022)
United Nations, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. World Population Prospects 2019. Accessible at https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Files/1_Indicators%20(Standard)/EXCEL_FILES/1_Population/
(last accessed March 2022)
British Association of Urological Surgeons and The Specialist Advisory Committee in Urology. Workforce Report. 2018. Accessible at https://www.baus.org.uk/_userfiles/pages/files/publications/
(last accessed March 2022)

Direct health cost of cancer per person - 2018 (€)

Links to external websites are provided as a resource to the viewer. We accept no responsibility for the content or services of the linked site other than the information or other materials provided or reviewed by the LTPC expert group members

Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022)

Per capita cost of cancer medicines - 2018 (€)

Links to external websites are provided as a resource to the viewer. We accept no responsibility for the content or services of the linked site other than the information or other materials provided or reviewed by the LTPC expert group members

Hofmarcher, T et al. Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe in 2019. IHE Report 2019:7. Accessible at https://www.efpia.eu/publications/cancer-comparator-report/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/ (last accessed March 2022)


Patient organisations

The main prostate cancer patient organisation in Netherlands is:


Reference Number: ONC_2021_0139_BE
Date of preparation: January 2022

Europe Digital Atlas